Let's Talk About This

This is the summary of the presentation 'Let's Talk About This' by Professor Wan Mohd Fauzy Wan Ismail from Center for Instructional Technology and Multimedia, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
1. Data from research have shown that the method of presentation or presentation skill of the teacher does not make much difference in terms of learning gain.
2. Approaches to be considered: flipped classroom, Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD), learning space, leverage social media, wiki, persuasive multimedia
3. Leverage social interaction
4. Be mindful of 'expert blind-spot'
5. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is still in experimental stage — issues about learning gain, effectiveness, etc.
6. Engaging students through discussion — they become committed and invested time — structured internal thoughts and vocalized them.
7. In a group discussion, it's not so much about getting the right answer but more importantly is the process of getting the right answer — to appreciate that there are many paths we can explore to get the right answer. The process will provoke and invoke deep thinking process, students learn to respect views of others, how to agree to agree, or agree to disagree.
8. Learn more about peer instruction. Prof Eric Mazur from Havard is a strong proponent of this approach.
9. Peer instruction is about getting students to teach each other. 'The best way to learn is to teach' and 'To teach is to learn twice'. This would promote deep understanding and improve retention.
10. How to assessment in peer teaching?


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